Pickleball 101
Beginners | $150 Per Person
Pickleball 101 is a 4 week,1.5 hour progressive clinic geared for beginners or those players with very limited pickleball experience. Good technique for the basic strokes (serves, returns, volleys, dinks, drops…) will be fostered through demonstration and drilling.
Proper court positioning and various strategic aims will be presented so that by the end of the clinic you will have a solid pickleball foundation and be ready to hit the court.
Pickleball 201
Advanced Beginners | $150 Per Person
Four week, 1.5 hour clinic aimed at PB 101 graduates or aspiring pickleballers with some court experience. Continued focus on proper technique is stressed as new strokes are added to the agenda.
The concept of spin will be introduced along with elements such as improved court movement. Team play will be explained
Building muscle memory is a major goal of this class
Pickleball 301
Intermediate | $150 Per Person
Pickleball 301 is a 4 week,1.5 hour intermediate clinic geared for 3.0 - 3.5 level players. This more rigorous. Clinic assumes a minimum level of pickleball skill, whereby players can sustain rallies of various sorts with each other.
Good stroke form will be continuously honed. Topspin and underspin will be a focus, so will how to hit with more power and placement.
Shots such as offensive lobs, roll volleys, transition zone resets will be introduced. Defense will be discussed and out into practice with real point situations.
Crash Course Pickleball
Beginners | $40 Per Person
In this single session 2 hour clinic, players totally new to the sport of pickleball will learn proper techniques of basic strokes, including dinks, valleys, serves, returns, drops, drives & overheads. Fundamental court strategy will also be presented.
By the end of class you will be equipped with the knowledge of score keeping and should be fully ready to participate i a recreational game.
A free pass to a Beginner Open Play session is included.
Women's Drills 3.0 - 3.25
Advanced | $40 Per Person
Single session, 1.5 hours
These drills are geared for ambitious low intermediate ladies with a fair amount of pickleball experience under their belts!
Offensive and defense will be addressed in detail at the back court, transition zone and non volley zone. Some instruction will be offered and the correct stroke techniques will be demonstrated before each particular drill
Co - Ed Drills
Advanced | $40 Per Person
Single session, 1.5 hours
These drills are geared for ambitious low intermediate ladies with a fair amount of pickleball experience under their belts!
Offensive and defense will be addressed in detail at the back court, transition zone and non volley zone. Some instruction will be offered and the correct stroke techniques will be demonstrated before each particular drill