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Winter League


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Co-Ed 3.0 - 3.5

Thursdays, Starting February 6th

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Co-Ed 3.5+

Tuesdays, Starting February 4th

League Cost

Register as an individual. The one-time league sign-up cost is $109 for non-members and Silver Members. It is $99 for Gold, Platinum, Family and Senior Members. 7 Week League

League Format

Each week you will be grouped on a particular court with other league participants with similar Points Won Percentages and a round robin will ensure. Scores are entered into the Court Reserve phone app by the players, where DUPR ratings will be calculated. Please create a DUPR account beforehand at


Players move up and down the ladder of the seven weeks based on cumulative percentage points earned. To ensure close competitive matches, appropriate skill levels will be required. Registration approval may be imposed by management in the interest of the leagues success. 


Thank you

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